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Love You Every Second Lyrics And Chords


Indonesia Music
Indonesia is a country rich in music, and it's no surprise that its people love to sing and play musical instruments. Whether it's traditional or modern, Indonesian music has a unique charm that captivates listeners from all over the world. Today, we're going to take a look at one of the most popular Indonesian songs of recent times, "Love You Every Second", and its lyrics and chords.

About "Love You Every Second"

Love You Every Second Cover
"Love You Every Second" is a song by Indonesian musician and singer, Raisa. Released in 2020, the song quickly gained popularity among music lovers in Indonesia and beyond. The song tells the story of a woman who loves her partner every second of the day, and how their love has stood the test of time.

The Lyrics of "Love You Every Second"

Raisa Singer
Here are the lyrics of "Love You Every Second" in Indonesian:

Kau tak pernah tahu betapa dalam
Kutuliskan semua rasa ini
Dalam hatiku terukir nama
Lelaki mana yang ku cinta

Sampai kapan pun takkan pernah habis
Ku simpan setiap detik cinta
Segala tentangmu takkan berubah
Ku cinta kamu sepanjang waktu

Hanya engkaulah yang mampu hadir
Dalam setiap percakapan hatiku
Kau terus jadi satu-satunya
Lelaki mana yang ku cinta

Sampai kapan pun takkan pernah habis
Ku simpan setiap detik cinta
Segala tentangmu takkan berubah
Ku cinta kamu sepanjang waktu

Selama ada kita di dunia ini
Kan ku jaga setiap detik berharga
Cinta kita, cinta sejati

And here is the English translation:

You never know how deep
I wrote down all these feelings
In my heart is engraved your name
Which man I love

No matter how long it is
I keep every second of love
Everything about you won't change
I love you all the time

Only you can come
In every conversation of my heart
You continue to be the only one
Which man I love

No matter how long it is
I keep every second of love
Everything about you won't change
I love you all the time

As long as we are in this world
I will keep every precious second
Our love, true love

The Chords of "Love You Every Second"

Guitar Chords
Now that you know the lyrics, it's time to learn how to play the song! Here are the chords you'll need to play "Love You Every Second" on your guitar:

Verse: Am - F - C - G
Chorus: Am - F - C - E

Strumming pattern: DDU UDU for the verse, DDU UDU DDU for the chorus

If you're not familiar with guitar chords and strumming patterns, don't worry. There are plenty of resources online that can help you get started, such as guitar tutorial videos and chord charts.


Indonesia Music Fans
"Love You Every Second" is a beautiful Indonesian song that captures the essence of true love. With its heartfelt lyrics and catchy melody, it's no wonder that the song has become a favorite among music lovers in Indonesia and beyond. If you're a fan of Indonesian music or just want to learn how to play a new song on your guitar, "Love You Every Second" is definitely worth checking out!

Related video of Love You Every Second Lyrics And Chords: A Complete Guide for Indonesian Music Lovers