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Save The Last Dance For Me Chords Michael Buble

Michael Buble Save The Last Dance For Me

If you're a fan of Michael Buble, or just a lover of classic popular music, you'll want to learn the chords to "Save The Last Dance For Me." This iconic song was originally performed by The Drifters in 1960, and has since been covered by a variety of artists, including Michael Buble.

Chords for Guitar

Guitar Chords

One of the reasons that "Save The Last Dance For Me" is such a popular song to play on guitar is that it only uses four chords in the verses and chorus. Here are the chord progressions for the song:

Verse: G, Em, C, D

Chorus: G, Em, C, D, G

You'll need to play each chord for a full measure, which means holding it down for four beats. In the verses, the chord changes happen at the start of each line. In the chorus, the chord changes happen more frequently, with each chord only lasting for two beats before moving on to the next.

Chords for Piano

Piano Chords

If you want to play "Save The Last Dance For Me" on piano, you'll need to know a few more chords. Here are the chord progressions for the song:

Verse: G, Bm7, C, D

Chorus: G, Bm7, C, D, G

The Bm7 chord might be a bit tricky if you're new to playing piano, but with some practice, you'll be able to master it in no time. Keep in mind that the right hand will be playing the melody while the left hand plays the chords.

Strumming Pattern for Guitar

Guitar Strumming Pattern

While learning the chords is important, it's also necessary to know the proper strumming pattern to really capture the feel of the song. Here's the strumming pattern for "Save The Last Dance For Me":

Verse: D, D U, U D, U

Chorus: D, D U, U D, U D U

The "D" symbol stands for a down strum, while "U" stands for an up strum. The strumming pattern is different for the chorus than it is for the verses, so make sure to practice them separately until you get the hang of it.


Once you've mastered the chords and strumming pattern for "Save The Last Dance For Me," you'll be able to play along with Michael Buble's rendition of this classic song. Whether you're performing for others or just playing for your own enjoyment, this song is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Related video of Save The Last Dance For Me Chords Michael Buble