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Ungu I Will Always Love You Chord

Ungu I Will Always Love You Chord

Ungu is a popular band in Indonesia that has been active since 1996. The band is known for its beautiful ballads that often touch the hearts of its listeners. One of the band's most popular songs is "I Will Always Love You." The song's lyrics and melody are beautiful, and many people want to learn to play it on the guitar. In this article, we will provide you with the chords to play Ungu's "I Will Always Love You" on the guitar.

The Chords for Ungu's "I Will Always Love You"

Chords For Ungu'S I Will Always Love You

The chords to play Ungu's "I Will Always Love You" are relatively simple, and even beginners can play them easily. The chords you will need are G, D, Em, and C. Below is the chord progression for the song.

G - D - Em - C

The progression is repeated throughout the song, and you can easily play along with the song once you have mastered the chords.

How to Play the Chords

How To Play Guitar Chord

If you are new to playing the guitar, you may find it challenging to play the chords. However, with a little practice, you can quickly master them. Here is how to play each of the chords needed for Ungu's "I Will Always Love You."

G Chord

G Chord

The G chord is played with your third finger on the third fret of the high E string, your second finger on the second fret of the A string, and your fourth finger on the third fret of the low E string. Strum all the strings, and you will have a beautiful G chord.

D Chord

D Chord

The D chord is played with your first finger on the second fret of the G string, your third finger on the third fret of the B string, and your second finger on the second fret of the high E string. Strum all the strings except the low E string, and you will have a perfect D chord.

Em Chord

Em Chord

The Em chord is played with your second finger on the second fret of the A string, your third finger on the second fret of the D string, and your fourth finger on the second fret of the low E string. Strum all the strings, and you will have a beautiful Em chord.

C Chord

C Chord

The C chord is played with your second finger on the second fret of the D string, your third finger on the third fret of the A string, and your fourth finger on the third fret of the high E string. Strum all the strings except the low E string, and you will have a perfect C chord.


Ungu's "I Will Always Love You" is a beautiful song that is loved by many in Indonesia. Playing the song on the guitar can be a great way to express your love for the song and impress your friends. With the chords provided in this article, you can easily play the song on your guitar. Remember to practice regularly, and soon you will be playing the song like a pro!

Related video of Ungu I Will Always Love You Chord: How to Play It