Chord Lagu Bruno Mars The Lazy Song
Chord lagu Bruno Mars The Lazy Song bisa dikatakan sebagai salah satu lagu yang cukup populer di Indonesia. Terlebih lagi, lagu ini memang memiliki irama yang catchy sehingga susah untuk tidak terus mengulang-ulanginya. Selain itu, lirik The Lazy Song pun cukup mudah diingat dan seringkali menjadi lagu favorit untuk diputar di waktu santai.
Chord Lagu Bruno Mars The Lazy Song
Berikut ini chord lagu Bruno Mars The Lazy Song yang dapat kamu mainkan:
Intro: GGToday I don't feel like doing anythingCI just want to lay in my bedAmDon't feel like picking up my phoneD7So leave a message at the toneG'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anythingGUh, I'm gonna kick my feet up, then stare at the fanCTurn the TV on, throw my hand in my pantsAmNobody's gon' tell me I can't, noD7I'll be loungin' on the couch just chillin' in my snuggieGClick to MTV so they can teach me how to dougieC'Cause in my castle I'm the freakin' manAmOh, yes I said it, I said itD7I said it 'cause I canGToday I don't feel like doing anythingCI just want to lay in my bedAmDon't feel like picking up my phoneD7So leave a message at the toneG'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anythingGNothing at all, nothing at allCTomorrow, I'll wake up, do some P90XAmMeet a really nice girl, have some really nice sexD7And she's gonna scream out:G'This is Great'C(Oh my God, this is great)AmYeah, I might mess around, get my college degreeD7But, sorry pops, you'll just have to waitGNo, I ain't gonna comb my hairC'Cause I ain't going anywhereAmNo, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, noD7I'll just strut in my birthday suitGAnd let everything hang looseGYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahCOh, today I don't feel like doing anythingAmI just want to lay in my bedD7Don't feel like picking up my phoneGSo leave a message at the toneC'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anythingAmNo, I ain't gonna comb my hairD7(We're just gonna stay at home)GOh, yes we areC(You can call me back later)Am(Gonna brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack)D7'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming backGToday I don't feel like doing anythingCI just want to lay in my bedAmDon't feel like picking up my phoneD7So leave a message at the toneG'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Lirik The Lazy Song
Lirik The Lazy Song sendiri sebenarnya mengisahkan tentang seseorang yang ingin meluangkan waktu untuk beristirahat dan tidak melakukan apapun. Dia ingin menjalani hari-harinya dengan santai dan tanpa tekanan.
Today I don't feel like doing anythingI just wanna lay in my bedDon't feel like picking up my phoneSo leave a message at the tone'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anythingUh!I'm gonna kick my feet upThen stare at the fanTurn the TV onThrow my hand in my pantsNobody's gonna tell me I can't, noI'll be loungin' on the couchJust chillin' in my snuggieClick to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie'Cause in my castle I'm the freakin' manOh, yes I said itI said itI said it 'cause I canToday I don't feel like doing anythingI just wanna lay in my bedDon't feel like picking up my phoneSo leave a message at the tone'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anythingNo, I ain't gonna comb my hair'Cause I ain't going anywhereNo, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, noI'll just strut in my birthday suitAnd let everything hang looseYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahHoo ooh oohHoo ooh ooh'Cause today I don't feel like doing anythingI just wanna lay in my bedDon't feel like picking up my phoneSo leave a message at the tone'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anythingNothing at allOoh hoo oohOoh hoo oohNothing at allOoh hoo oohNothing at all
Video Klip The Lazy Song
Video klip The Lazy Song sendiri cukup lucu dan menghibur. Dalam video klip ini, Bruno Mars serta teman-temannya sedang asyik berjoget dan bernyanyi dengan gaya yang santai di dalam kamar.
Bisa kamu tonton video klipnya di sini:
Makna Lagu The Lazy Song
Secara keseluruhan, makna The Lazy Song memang cukup sederhana. Lagu ini mengajarkan pentingnya untuk meluangkan waktu untuk melepas stress dan tekanan yang kita rasakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Terkadang kita memang membutuhkan waktu untuk beristirahat dan tidak melakukan apapun, dan itulah yang diangkat dalam lirik lagu dan video klip The Lazy Song.
Jadi, itulah tadi beberapa informasi mengenai chord lagu Bruno Mars The Lazy Song, lirik, video klip, dan maknanya. Semoga informasi ini dapat membantu kamu lebih mengenal lagu yang satu ini!