Chord Lirik Fiersa Besari Waktu Yang Salah
Chord Lirik Fiersa Besari Waktu Yang Salah (Chords Lyrics Fiersa Besari's Wrong Time) is a song that has been making waves in the Indonesian music scene. The song talks about the regret of a failed relationship and how timing played a crucial role in it. The song is a melancholic but beautiful ballad that has captured the hearts of many. The song is just one of the many masterpieces from the talented Fiersa Besari, a singer-songwriter from Indonesia. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at Chord Lirik Fiersa Besari Waktu Yang Salah.
Chords for Waktu Yang Salah
The chords for Waktu Yang Salah are relatively simple, making it easy for beginners to play. The song is in the key of C#m and follows a standard chord progression throughout. The chords for the song are:
C#m - A - E - B
To make it easier for beginners, the chords can be played using a capo on the 4th fret. The chords with the capo would be:
Am - F - C - G
Practice playing the chords with the song to get the timing right. The song is played at a slow pace and has a steady rhythm.
Lyrics for Waktu Yang Salah
The lyrics for Waktu Yang Salah are emotional and heart-wrenching. The lyrics talk about the pain of a failed relationship and how the timing was the cause of it all. The lyrics are:
Ada satu hal yang tak pernah bisa
Kucerna dari dirimu
Mengapa kau memilih pada waktu yang salah
Jantungku terasa berhenti
Tatkala kau ucapkan itu
Mengapa kau temukan pada waktu yang salah
The lyrics continue in the same vein, expressing the pain of the loss and the regret of not being able to turn back time. Fiersa Besari's voice adds an extra layer of emotion to the already powerful lyrics, making the song unforgettable.
The Meaning Behind the Song
Waktu Yang Salah is a song that talks about the regret of a failed relationship. The song is about how timing played a crucial role in the relationship's downfall. The song talks about how sometimes, no matter how much we want something, the timing may not be right, and we end up losing it. The song's lyrics express the pain of the loss and the regret of not being able to turn back time. The song is a reminder that sometimes, we have to let go of things that are beyond our control and that we cannot turn back time.
Chord Lirik Fiersa Besari Waktu Yang Salah is a song that has captured the hearts of many. The song's melancholic but beautiful melody and lyrics have made it one of the most popular songs in Indonesia. The song's message of regret and the pain of a failed relationship is something that many can relate to. Fiersa Besari's voice adds an extra layer of emotion to the already powerful lyrics, making the song unforgettable. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced musician, the chords for the song are relatively simple, making it easy to play. Play the chords while singing the lyrics to experience the full effect of the song. Waktu Yang Salah is a powerful reminder that sometimes, we have to let go of things that are beyond our control and that we cannot turn back time.