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Chord Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata

Chord Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata

"Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata" is a popular song by Indonesian singer and songwriter, Ebiet G Ade. It was released in 1981 and has since become one of his most iconic tracks. The song was written as a tribute to the beauty of nature, and how there are some things that cannot be seen by the human eye.

The song's lyrics are poetic and metaphoric, and it has touched the hearts of many Indonesians over the years. It is often played during national events and ceremonies, and is considered a cultural treasure of Indonesia. In this article, we will discuss the chords and lyrics of "Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata", and share some insights into the meaning behind the song.

The Chords of "Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata"

Chord Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata

The chords of "Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata" are relatively simple, and can be played by beginners. The song is in the key of C, and uses basic chords such as C, G, Am, F, and Dm. Here is the chord progression for the song:

C G Am FC G Am FC G Am FAm Dm G CAm Dm G CC G Am FC G Am FC G Am FAm Dm G CAm Dm G C

Once you have memorized the chord progression, try playing along with the song to get a feel for the rhythm and timing. You can find the song on YouTube or other music streaming platforms.

The Lyrics of "Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata"

Ebiet G Ade Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata

The lyrics of "Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata" are a masterpiece of Indonesian poetry. They describe the beauty of nature and the mystery of life, and how there are some things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Here are the full lyrics of the song:

Aku berkaca pada diri sendiriMenyisir rambut yang telah putihAku bertanya pada hati nuraniAdakah waktu yang terlewatiAku melintasi hutan rimbaMenerobos batas pulau dan lautanMencari jawaban dari alam semestaYang meradang dalam sanubariDi mana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjungDalam perjalanan ini ku temukan jawabnyaAda apa dengan dunia iniBisa jadi ini hanya tentang angan-angan kitaApa yang tak pernah bisa dilihat mataHanya bisa dirasakan dengan peluh dan air mataApa yang tak pernah bisa dicapai tanganHanya bisa dinikmati hati yang suciAku berjalan ke daerah tandusMelewati padang pasir dan gunung batuMencari makna dalam segala penjuruDi mana hujan tak pernah turun dan air terlalu banyakKuhampiri puncak rangkaian gunungDi sana angin bertiup sepoi-sepoiKudengar suara canda dari kejauhanKucoba memahami apa maksudnyaKembali ke rumah yang sepiHanya suara debur ombak yang menyapakuKu peluklah bantal masih mengharapkanAda yang menemukan diri ini

The lyrics are full of symbolism and imagery, and they invite the listener to contemplate the mysteries of life and the universe. Some of the most notable lines include "Di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung" (Where the earth is tread upon, there the sky is upheld), and "Apa yang tak pernah bisa dilihat mata, hanya bisa dirasakan dengan peluh dan air mata" (What cannot be seen with the naked eye, can only be felt with sweat and tears).

The Meaning of "Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata"

Indonesian Nature

The meaning of "Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata" is open to interpretation, and different people may find different meanings in the song. However, the most common interpretation is that the song is a tribute to the beauty and mystery of nature, and a reminder that there are some things in life that cannot be explained or understood with logic alone.

Indonesia is known for its rich and diverse nature, with lush forests, towering mountains, and pristine beaches. The song invites the listener to contemplate the majesty of nature, and to appreciate its beauty and power. It also suggests that there may be deeper spiritual or metaphysical truths hidden in nature, which can only be accessed through intuition and introspection.

Overall, "Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata" is a beautiful and inspiring song that speaks to the heart of many Indonesians. Its poetic lyrics and simple chords make it a popular choice for aspiring musicians and singers, and its message of nature and spirituality continues to resonate with audiences of all ages.

Related video of Chord Apa Yang Tak Pernah Dilihat Mata