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On Top Of The World Ukulele Chords

Ukulele Playing


Ukulele is one of the easiest and most fun instruments to play. It has become very popular in Indonesia in recent years, as it is a perfect instrument to accompany the beautiful Indonesian songs. One of the most popular songs to play on Ukulele is "On Top Of The World" by Imagine Dragons. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to play "On Top Of The World" on Ukulele, including the chords and strumming pattern.

Chords Used in "On Top Of The World"

The chords used in "On Top Of The World" are very simple and easy to play. They are:

  • G - 0232
  • C - 0003
  • Em - 0432
  • D - 2220

These four chords are repeated throughout the entire song, making it very easy to play. They are also very common chords used in many other songs, so mastering them will benefit you in the long run as well.

Ukulele Chords

Strumming Pattern

The strumming pattern for "On Top Of The World" is also very simple. It goes:

  • Down - Down - Up - Up - Down - Up

Practice this strumming pattern slowly at first, and gradually increase the speed until you can play along with the song.

Playing "On Top Of The World"

Now that you know the chords and the strumming pattern, it's time to put them together and play the song. The song starts with G chord, followed by C chord, Em chord, and D chord. The chords are repeated throughout the entire song, with the same strumming pattern.

Here are the lyrics for the first verse and chorus:

GIf you love somebodyCBetter tell them while they're here 'causeEmThey just may run away from youDYou'll never know what went well
GThen again, it just depends onCHow long the time is left for youEmI've had the highest mountainsDI've had the deepest rivers, you can have it all but

And that's it! Keep practicing until you can play the song smoothly and confidently.

Indonesia Music


"On Top Of The World" is a beautiful and fun song to play on Ukulele. It's also a great song to practice the basic chords and strumming pattern. With a little bit of practice, you'll be able to play this song like a pro. Keep practicing and don't forget to have fun!

Related video of On Top Of The World Ukulele Chords: A Comprehensive Guide for Indonesia Audience