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Chord Lagu Istana Bintang Ukulele Senar 4

Indonesia is known for its rich and diverse music culture, with a variety of traditional and modern musical instruments. One such instrument that has gained popularity in recent years is the ukulele, a small four-stringed instrument with origins from Hawaii. If you're a fan of Indonesian music, you might have come across the popular song 'Istana Bintang' by the band Nella Kharisma. In this article, we'll show you how to play the song on the ukulele senar 4, along with the chord progression and strumming pattern.

What is Ukulele Senar 4?

Before we dive into the chords, let's first understand what ukulele senar 4 is. Senar 4 refers to the number of strings on the ukulele, which is four. It is different from the traditional ukulele, which has eight strings. The senar 4 ukulele is often used in Indonesian music, and is popular among beginners due to its small size and ease of use.

Ukulele Senar 4

The Chords

Now, let's take a look at the chords for 'Istana Bintang'. The song is in the key of C, and uses four basic chords - C, G, Am, and F. Here are the chord diagrams:

Istana Bintang Chords

As you can see, the chords are fairly simple and easy to play. Here's the chord progression for the song:

C - G - Am - F

You can repeat this chord progression throughout the song. If you're new to the ukulele, we suggest practicing each chord individually before trying to strum them in sequence.

The Strumming Pattern

Now that we have the chords down, let's talk about the strumming pattern for 'Istana Bintang'. The strumming pattern is Down - Down - Up - Up - Down - Up. Here's how it looks:

D - D - U - U - D - U

This pattern might take some time to get used to, but with practice, you'll be able to play the song smoothly.

Final Thoughts

Playing 'Istana Bintang' on the ukulele senar 4 might seem daunting at first, but with these chords and strumming pattern, you'll be able to play the song in no time. Remember to practice regularly and have fun with it!

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