Chord Ndx Aka Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu
Indonesia has a vibrant music scene with a diverse range of genres. One of the popular genres in Indonesia is hip-hop, and NDX AKA is one of the popular hip-hop groups in the country. Their song "Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu" has become a hit and is loved by many. This article will dive deep into the song and the chord NDX AKA Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu.
What is NDX AKA Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu?
NDX AKA is a hip-hop group from Indonesia that was formed in 2011. The group consists of three members; Yonanda Frisna Damara, Irvan Arif Rahman, and Septian Dwi Cahyo. They gained popularity in the country for their unique style of music that combines hip-hop, reggae, and dangdut. Their music often features social commentary and criticism of the government and societal issues.
Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu is one of their popular songs that has gained massive popularity in Indonesia. The song was released in 2016 and has since become a hit. It talks about the struggles of a man who has lost his love due to his bad past. The song is emotional and relatable, which is why it has resonated with many people.
Chord NDX AKA Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu
If you're a fan of NDX AKA or want to learn how to play Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu on your guitar, then you've come to the right place. Here are the chords for the song:
- Intro : Dm
- DmAmJangan kau ganggu aku lagiDmAmKu tak mau kau dekat dengankuDmAmBiarkan aku sendiriDmAmKu tak ingin berbicara
- DmAmBiarkan aku merenungDmAmMasa laluku yang kelamDmAmMelepaskan diri dari jeratnyaDmAmKu tak ingin terjerat lagi
- DmAmSegala dosa yang pernah kulakukanDmAmSelalu menghantui hidupkuDmAmKu tak mengerti apa yang harus kulakukanDmAmUntuk menghilangkan bayang-bayang masa lalu
- DmAmKu tak ingin kau terlukaDmAmOleh kelamnya masa lalukuDmAmKu tak ingin kau menangisDmAmMelihatku terpuruk lagi
- DmAmBiarkan aku merenungDmAmMasa laluku yang kelamDmAmMelepaskan diri dari jeratnyaDmAmKu tak ingin terjerat lagi
- DmAmBiarkan aku merenungDmAmMasa laluku yang kelamDmAmMelepaskan diri dari jeratnyaDmAmKu tak ingin terjerat lagi.
With these chords, you can easily play Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu on your guitar and impress your friends and family.
NDX AKA Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu is a hit song in Indonesia that talks about the struggles of a man who has lost his love due to his bad past. The song is emotional and relatable, which is why it has resonated with many people. If you're a fan of NDX AKA or want to learn how to play Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu on your guitar, then the chords provided above will help you. Enjoy the song and let it touch your heart.