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Joseph Vincent Can T Take My Eyes Off You Chord


If you’re a fan of Joseph Vincent, you’ve probably heard his rendition of the classic song, Can’t Take My Eyes Off You. The song has become a sensation, loved by people all over the world. As an Indonesian audience, we’re not exception. If you’ve been itching to play this song on your guitar, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you through the Chord progression of Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Joseph Vincent.

Joseph Vincent Can’T Take My Eyes Off You Chord

Chord Progression

The song is played in a key of C, which makes it easier to play for beginners. The chord progression is simple and repetitive, which makes the song catchy and memorable. Here’s the Chord progression for the song:

Intro: C - D - E - F - G - G7

Verse: C - E7 - Am - G

Chorus: F - G - C - G - F - G - G7 - C

Chord Progression

Now, let’s break down each chord so you can fully understand how to play them.

C Chord

The C chord is played by placing your third finger on the third fret of the A string, your second finger on the second fret of the D string, and your first finger on the first fret of the B string.

C Chord

D Chord

The D chord is played by placing your first finger on the second fret of the G string, your third finger on the third fret of the B string, and your second finger on the second fret of the high E string.

D Chord

E Chord

The E chord is played by placing your first finger on the first fret of the G string, your second finger on the second fret of the A string, and your third finger on the second fret of the D string.

E Chord

F Chord

The F chord is played by placing your first finger on the first fret of the B string, your second finger on the second fret of the G string, and your third finger on the third fret of the D string.

F Chord

G Chord

The G chord is played by placing your second finger on the third fret of the low E string, your third finger on the third fret of the high E string, and your fourth finger on the third fret of the B string.

G Chord

G7 Chord

The G7 chord is played by placing your first finger on the first fret of the high E string, your second finger on the second fret of the A string, and your third finger on the third fret of the high E string.

G7 Chord

E7 Chord

The E7 chord is played by placing your second finger on the second fret of the A string, your third finger on the second fret of the D string, and your first finger on the first fret of the G string.

E7 Chord

Am Chord

The Am chord is played by placing your second finger on the second fret of the D string, your third finger on the second fret of the G string, and your first finger on the first fret of the B string.

Am Chord

Strumming Pattern

Now that you’ve learned the Chord progression for the song, it’s time to learn the strumming pattern. The strumming pattern is Down, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up.


Now that you’ve mastered the chords and strumming pattern for Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Joseph Vincent, it’s time to start practicing. This song is perfect for beginners who are just starting to learn guitar. It’s a catchy and popular song that’s sure to impress your friends and family. Keep practicing and pretty soon you’ll be able to play the song flawlessly. Happy playing!

Related video of Joseph Vincent Can’t Take My Eyes Off You Chord: A Comprehensive Guide for Indonesian Audiences