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When I Was Your Man Piano Chords

When I Was Your Man Piano Chords: Learn To Play Like A Pro

Do you want to learn how to play "When I Was Your Man" on the piano like a pro? This song by Bruno Mars is a heart-wrenching ballad about lost love and regret. Its simple yet powerful melody and relatable lyrics have touched the hearts of many music lovers in Indonesia and around the world. In this article, we will provide you with the piano chords for "When I Was Your Man" and some tips on how to play it with passion and emotion.

The Chords You Need to Know

The Chords You Need To Know

The chords required to play "When I Was Your Man" are not difficult to master, making it an ideal song for beginners to practice on. Below are the chords you need to know:







Now that you know the chords, you can start practicing the song based on its structure. The song follows a simple structure of verse-chorus-bridge-chorus, making it easy to memorize and play.

Playing with Passion and Emotion

Playing With Passion And Emotion

While the chords for "When I Was Your Man" are easy to play, it is essential to understand the importance of playing with passion and emotion. Playing with emotion means connecting with the song's lyrics and delivering them through the piano keys. Here are some tips to help you play with passion and emotion:

  1. Listen to the song: Before attempting to play the song on the piano, it is crucial to listen and understand the song's mood and melody. Try to connect with the lyrics, and feel the song's emotion.
  2. Practice slow: Take your time and practice playing the song slowly. It will help you get a better grip on the chords and understand how the song flows.
  3. Experiment with dynamics: Don't play the song with the same level of loudness. Experiment with different dynamics to add more emotion to the song. Play some parts softly and some parts louder to create variation in the song's mood.
  4. Focus on the lyrics: Focus on delivering the song's meaning through the piano keys. Imagine yourself singing the lyrics and try to express the same feeling through your piano playing.



"When I Was Your Man" is a beautiful song that is not only easy to play but also emotionally charged. With the correct chords and tips, you can learn to play the song just like a pro. Remember to play with passion and emotion, and most importantly, have fun while playing the piano.

Related video of When I Was Your Man Piano Chords: Learn to Play Like a Pro