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Chord Lagu Terimakasih Tuhan Untuk Kasih Setiamu

Gratefulness In Indonesia

Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture and tradition. One of the things that makes Indonesia unique is the way its people express their gratitude towards God. The song "Terimakasih Tuhan Untuk Kasih Setiamu" is a testament to this. The song talks about how grateful Indonesians are for the unwavering love and faithfulness of God. In this article, we will provide you with the chord progression for "Terimakasih Tuhan Untuk Kasih Setiamu".

Chord Progression

Guitar Chords

The chord progression for this song is relatively easy, and it only requires four chords. These chords are G, D, Em, and C. Below is the chord progression for the verse and chorus of the song.


G - D - Em - C


G - D - C - G

With this chord progression, you can easily strum along to the rhythm of the song. However, if you want to add some more flavor to your playing, you can experiment with different strumming patterns.


Indonesia Flag

Before we move on to the lyrics, it is essential to note that the song is in Bahasa Indonesia. However, this should not be a hindrance since the song is relatively easy to learn. The lyrics for the chorus are as follows:


Terimakasih Tuhan untuk kasih setiamu

Kau tetap ada di dalam hidupku

Terimakasih Tuhan untuk kasih setiamu

Kau memberikan hidup yang abadi

Below is the translation of the chorus in English:


Thank you, God, for your faithful love

You are always there in my life

Thank you, God, for your faithful love

You provide eternal life

The song is a constant reminder of the importance of being grateful for the good things in life. It emphasizes the need to acknowledge the goodness of God and the many blessings that He provides.


Learning to play "Terimakasih Tuhan Untuk Kasih Setiamu" is not only an excellent way to learn how to play the guitar but also a great way to appreciate the Indonesian culture. The song is not only beautiful but also provides a message of hope and gratitude that can resonate with anyone. So, take the time to learn the chords, practice your strumming, and sing along to this beautiful song.

Related video of Chord Lagu Terimakasih Tuhan Untuk Kasih Setiamu