Chord Pee Wee Gaskins Dari Mata Sang Garuda
Indonesia is a country rich in culture, art, and music. As a nation with a diverse range of traditional and contemporary music genres, Indonesia is home to numerous talented musicians who have gained recognition both in Indonesia and internationally. A notable example of such a musician is Pee Wee Gaskins, a punk rock band that has been taking the Indonesian music scene by storm with their unique sound and energetic performances.
One of their most popular songs that have gained widespread popularity in Indonesia is "Dari Mata Sang Garuda". The song has a catchy melody and inspiring lyrics that have touched the heart of many Indonesians. If you are a Pee Wee Gaskins fan or wish to learn how to play the guitar chords for "Dari Mata Sang Garuda", then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with the complete chord progression for this song as well as a breakdown of the lyrics.
The Chord Progression for "Dari Mata Sang Garuda"
The chords for "Dari Mata Sang Garuda" are relatively easy to play and perfect for beginners who want to learn how to play the guitar:
Intro: G D Am D (2x)
G D Am D (2x)
G D Am Em D
G D Em C D
G D Em C D
Am D Em C D
C D Em
Am C D G/B
The song is played in standard tuning with a capo on the second fret. If you do not have a capo, you can still play the song by transposing the chords two steps up.
The Lyrics of "Dari Mata Sang Garuda"
"Dari Mata Sang Garuda" has a patriotic theme that celebrates Indonesia's history, culture, and national identity:
Verse 1:
Dari mata sang garuda
Kita terbang bebas tanpa merdeka
Dan dari jadilah pagar rimba yang menjulang tinggi
Melindungi negeri dan kesatria bangsa
Kita adalah para pahlawan
Yang siap berkorban jiwa dan ragaku
Bersama kita mencapai impian
Bersama kita meraih kemerdekaan
Verse 2:
Dari sumber air yang jernih
Kita menyongsong hari esok yang cerah
Dan dari jadilah tanah tumbuh berkembang subur
Menjadi kebanggaan rakyat Indonesia
Kebersamaan, persatuan dan gotong royong
Merupakan kekuatan kita sebagai bangsa
Teruslah berjuang dan berkarya
Untuk Indonesia yang damai, sejahtera dan makmur
As you can see, the lyrics of "Dari Mata Sang Garuda" are filled with inspiring messages of unity, sacrifice, and patriotism, making it a popular anthem among Indonesians. Pee Wee Gaskins has done an excellent job of combining meaningful lyrics with catchy music to create a song that has touched the hearts of many.
In conclusion, "Dari Mata Sang Garuda" is an excellent song that celebrates Indonesia's history and national identity. If you are a Pee Wee Gaskins fan, we hope that this article has provided you with the complete chord progression and lyrics for this song. Remember to practice regularly and have fun while learning to play the guitar. Lastly, let us all continue to celebrate and cherish the diversity and richness of Indonesia's music, culture, and art.