Lirik Dan Chord Lagu Dia Lahir Untuk Kami
Indonesia is known for its vibrant music scene, and one song that has captured the hearts of many Indonesians is "Dia Lahir Untuk Kami" by the group True Worshippers. Released in 2005, the song has become a staple in churches across the country and has even been translated into other languages due to its popularity. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the meaning behind the song and provide you with the chords needed to play it on the guitar.
The Meaning Behind "Dia Lahir Untuk Kami"
The title of the song, "Dia Lahir Untuk Kami", translates to "He was born for us" in English. The lyrics of the song speak of the birth of Jesus Christ and the significance of His arrival. The first verse of the song goes:
"Hai dunia sekarang bertepuk tangan
Natal hari mulia yang kudus
Di dalam kerendahanNya
Kristus Tuhan telah lahir"
This roughly translates to "Oh world, now clap your hands. It's the holy and glorious day of Christmas. In His humility, Christ the Lord is born."
The chorus of the song is also powerful, emphasizing the reason for Christ's birth:
"Dia hadir untuk menebus kita
Membuka pintu surga yang tertutup
Dia adalah satu-satunya
Yang menyelamatkan kita dari dosa dan maut"
This means "He came to redeem us, to open up the closed doors of heaven. He is the only one who can save us from sin and death."
The song serves as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of Christ's birth in the Christian faith.
Chords for "Dia Lahir Untuk Kami"
If you're interested in playing "Dia Lahir Untuk Kami" on the guitar, here are the chords you'll need:
Intro: G D
Verse 1: G D Em C
Chorus: G D Em C
Verse 2: G D Em C
Chorus: G D Em C
Bridge: C D Em D C D G
These chords are fairly simple and can be played by beginners with some practice. The song is typically played in the key of G major.
"Dia Lahir Untuk Kami" is a powerful and meaningful song that has become a beloved part of the Indonesian music scene. Its message of Christ's birth and His role in salvation serves as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas for Christians in Indonesia and around the world.