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Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord

Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord

Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga is a popular Christian prayer that is widely known and recited in Indonesia. This prayer is also known as the Lord's Prayer and has been translated into various languages, including Bahasa Indonesia. The Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord is a popular chord progression used to play the prayer as a song on the guitar. In this article, we will discuss the Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord and its significance in Indonesia.

What is Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga?

Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga

Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga is the Bahasa Indonesia version of the Lord's Prayer, which is a Christian prayer. The prayer is a model prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, and it is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament of the Bible. The prayer is commonly recited during Christian religious services, such as mass or a church service. The prayer expresses a reverence for God and asks for forgiveness, guidance, and protection.

The prayer is divided into seven parts or lines, and the lines are as follows:

  1. Bapa kami yang ada di surga,
  2. Nama-Mu dipermuliakan,
  3. Kerajaan-Mu datang,
  4. Voluntas-Mu terjadi di bumi seperti di surga,
  5. Roti kami yang sehari-hari berikanlah kepada kami pada hari ini,
  6. Dan ampunilah segala kesalahan kami, seperti kami pun mengampuni yang bersalah kepada kami,
  7. Dan janganlah masukkan kami dalam pencobaan, tetapi bebaskanlah kami dari yang jahat. Amin.

Many Indonesian Christians recite this prayer on a daily basis, either individually or as part of a religious service.

What is Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord?

Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord Progression

Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord is a popular chord progression that is used to play the prayer as a song on the guitar. The chord progression consists of four chords that are repeated throughout the song. The chords are G, C, D, and Em. The G, C, and D chords are major chords, while the Em chord is a minor chord. The Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord is a simple chord progression that is easy to learn and play, making it popular among amateur guitarists or beginners.

Significance of Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord in Indonesia

Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord In Indonesia

The Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord has significant meaning to Indonesian Christians as it provides a way to worship and express their faith through music. Music has been an integral part of Indonesian culture and has been used to express various emotions, including joy, sadness, and reverence. The Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord allows Indonesian Christians to express their devotion to God through music, making it a popular song that is played during religious services or events.

The Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord is not only popular among Christians but also among non-Christians. The chord progression is simple and easy to learn, making it accessible to anyone who wants to learn to play the guitar. The chord progression is also used in various Indonesian songs and pop music, making it a part of Indonesian popular culture.


The Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord is a popular chord progression used to play the Lord's Prayer as a song on the guitar. The chord progression is significant to Indonesian Christians as it allows them to express their devotion to God through music. The Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord is not only popular among Christians but also among non-Christians and is a part of Indonesian popular culture. Learning to play the Bapa Kami Yang Ada Di Surga Chord is an easy and accessible way to learn to play the guitar and express one's devotion to God.

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