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Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia Chord

Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia Chord

Indonesia has always been a country where music holds a special place in people's hearts. With the rise of social media, more and more people are now sharing their musical talents with the world. One of the most popular songs in Indonesia is "Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia," which has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the "Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia Chord" and how to play it.

The History of "Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia"

History Of Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia

"Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia" is a song that was released on YouTube in August 2019. The song was written and composed by a talented musician named Achmad Albar, who is popularly known as Albar. The song quickly gained popularity in Indonesia and has since become one of the most requested songs on the radio and at concerts.

The Lyrics of "Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia"

Lyrics Of Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia

The lyrics of "Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia" are both emotional and heart-wrenching. The song is about a man who is in a relationship with a woman but eventually gets married to another woman. The lyrics go something like this:

"Kamu pacaran dengankuTapi nikah dengan diaApa salahkuKenapa engkau pergi."

These lyrics are so relatable that they have touched the hearts of millions of Indonesians all around the globe. The simplicity of the lyrics and the melody of the song have made it an instant classic.

The Chords of "Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia"

Chords Of Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia

Now that we have talked about the history and lyrics of "Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia," let's move on to the chords of the song. The chords of the song are very easy to play and can be learned by anyone who knows the basic chords of a guitar.

The chords of the song are as follows:

  • Intro: G Em C D (x2)
  • Verse 1:
    GEmKamu hadir dihidupkuCDKau jadi arti dalam hidupkuGEmSenyummu mengalahkan mentariCDKau menolong ku dari aroma hati
  • Chorus:
    GKamu pacaran dengankuEmTapi nikah dengan diaCDApa salahku, kenapa engkau pergi
  • Verse 2:
    GEmSekarang kau ada disanaCDDitempat yang jauh dari padakuGEmKu coba menghapus semuaCDTapi rasa itu terlalu dalam
  • Chorus:
    GKamu pacaran dengankuEmTapi nikah dengan diaCDApa salahku, kenapa engkau pergi
  • Bridge:
    EmD/F#Aku berharap kau kembaliCDMengisi hidupku yang sunyiEmD/F#Aku ingin kau dekat dengan kuCDKarena ku masih mencintaimu
  • Chorus:
    GKamu pacaran dengankuEmTapi nikah dengan diaCDApa salahku, kenapa engkau pergi
  • Outro: G Em C D (x2)

These are the chords of "Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia." With a little bit of practice, you can easily play this song on a guitar and impress your friends and family.


Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia Chord

"Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia" is a song that has become an instant classic in Indonesia. The song has touched the hearts of millions of Indonesians with its relatable lyrics and simple melody. In this article, we have discussed the history, lyrics, and chords of the song. We hope that this article has helped you learn more about this amazing song and how to play it on a guitar.

Related video of Kamu Pacaran Denganku Tapi Nikah Dengan Dia Chord: The Ultimate Guide